Kapppa Nutrition is health company, based on the vision of our people that are passionate about natural health and wellbeing. We develop high quality products and services that deliver a more natural approach to health, based on our expertise in vitamins, minerals, herbs and nutrients.
At Kappa Nutrition Group, we never compromise on quality, always placing the health and safety of our consumers at the heart of our business. We use premium ingredients from around the world, with products made to strict USA manufacturing standards and rigorous quality checks.
Kappa Nutrition works with some of the world’s leading raw material suppliers, going to great lengths to source high quality ingredients that comply with our strict ingredients policy. It’s these ingredient choices that underpin the efficacy and quality of our finished products.
Our team travels the world to ensure we have transparency over the supply chain safeguarding quality and alignment. For example, when sourcing our fish oil we conduct audits of the fisheries and keep records of the exact fishing zones for each batch used in our products.
We have never compromised on quality and never will.
Kappa Nutrition belief in the health-giving properties of herbs and minerals. In 2007 Kappa Nutrition opened the doors to new ways of treating illness and maximising health.
We are proud to be a natural healthcare and remain committed to delivering new and innovative products, reliable health information and unsurpassed quality to our customers.